Wednesday, July 1, 2009

***BuRnInG FaT***

You're so busy you have absolutely no time to work out, right? Wrong. It's important that you make the time, and I'm here to help you do it. In this busy world filled with work, family and stress, we sometimes have to use a lot of creativity to sneak in workout time.

Here are my fat-burning tips for people on the go:
When you first wake up, commit to 10 minutes of continuous exercise. Choose only three movements and perform each in succession without stopping for 10 minutes. For example, Monday you can perform modified push-ups, followed by crunches for your abs followed by stationary lunges. On Tuesday, you can perform free-standing squats with hands on hips, double crunch for abs and close grip modified push-ups (hands 3 inches apart) for your triceps. Just 10 minutes! Just take a quick breather when you need it.

-Perform timed interval walking in your neighborhood or at lunch. If it takes 10 minutes to walk to a certain destination near your office or in your neighborhood, try to make it in eight minutes. You can also do this first thing in the morning before work as well as on your lunch break.

-If you have stairs in your home or in your work place, commit to taking the stairs a specific number of times. Tell yourself that you'll take the stairs six or eight times (no matter what).

-While seated, perform some isometric exercise to help strengthen and tighten your muscles. For example, while in a seated position, simply contract the abdominals for 30 seconds while breathing naturally. You can also tighten and contract your legs for 60 seconds. Perform about three sets per area. You'll feel your muscles get tighter in just three weeks if you do this a few times per week.

-Tired at night and just want to sit in front of the TV? Try this technique: Take periodic five-minute exercise breaks and perform some muscle-stimulating and calorie-burning exercise. For example, take five minutes and perform only ab crunches. Then, when it's time for another five-minute exercise break, perform modified push-ups for five minutes. Then for a final five-minute break, perform stationary lunges. Try to do as many as possible in five minutes and try to beat your amount of reps during each subsequent break. It won't seem daunting because it's only five minutes at a time, split over a 30- or 60-minute timeframe. Instead of rest breaks, you'll take exercise breaks. You don't really need to watch that commercial, do you?

-How about performing one exercise movement per day for seven to 10 minutes? For example, Monday: free-standing squats for seven minutes. Tuesday: chair dips for seven minutes. Wednesday: crunches and hip lifts off the floor for seven minutes. Thursday: modified push-up for seven minutes. Friday: stationary lunges for seven minutes. It's quick, simple and teaches consistency.

-Want things even simpler? Take the longest route every time you have to walk somewhere -- even if it's to a co-worker's office.

-Double-up the stairs. Every time you take the stairs, simply take a double step, or every other stair. It will be just like lunges and the Stairmaster combined -- great for the legs and butt
10. Perform any of the above with your spouse or a friend. I'm sure you can find someone who is in the same situation. The support will give you
more motivation and you just may find that you can create even more workout time for yourself.
Hey, I know this won't make you an Olympic athlete or give you
six-pack abs, but that's not the goal. I just want to see you making an effort to improve. If you take two to three of your favorite tips above, it will be the beginning of something great.
And for even bigger fat loss potential, combine the tips above with our
Glycemic Impact food plan, designed by nutritionists to keep your energy level up at burning all day!